The managing students form works together with course setup.
Adding Students To A Course
Step 1: Using the top navigation menu, navigate to Language > Manage Students (851) form.

This will open Manage Students form shown below.

Step 2: Click on the 'Search' button located in the toolbar.

Step 3: In 'Search' mode, click on '?' button in 'Course ID' field. This will provide a list of all the courses. Please select the course where you would like to add students.

Step 4: Once you have selected a course, click the 'Search' button at the bottom.

Once clicked, CARMIS will ask you if you would like to register students for this course because the course selected has no registered students in it. Click 'Yes' to begin adding students. Please note: This message will only appear when the course is empty.

Step 5: Click on 'Find Students' button at the bottom left of the window.

A window will open containing a list of all the students, select the desired students by clicking on the checkboxes.

Once you have selected the students, click 'Confirm Selection' at the bottom right of the window. Now you will return back to Manage Students window and will see your selected students. Click the 'Save' button to save the selected students.

Once students have been saved, you will see that the rows for each student will turn green. This is to indicate that they are registered into the course.

Removing A Student from a Course Without Attendance Marked
Step 1: Using the top navigation menu, navigate to Language > Manage Students (851) form.
Step 2: Using the 'Search' button from the top toolbar, search for the course containing the students you want to remove.
Step 3: Click the 'door' icon in the 'Exit' column of the row corresponding to the student you want to remove.

Removing A Student from a Course with Attendance Marked
Step 1: Using the top navigation menu, navigate to Language > Manage Students (851) form.
Step 2: Using the 'Search' button from the top toolbar, search for the course containing the students you want to remove.

When clicked, a new window will open. Please select an option under the 'Exit Status' field. Note: If you select 'Exited the course before completing', you must provide an 'Exit Reason'.

Step 4: Once information is filled in, click the 'Save' button. The student will then be removed and appear under the 'Exited Students' tab.
Editing Student Information
Step 1: Using the top navigation menu, navigate to Language > Manage Students (851) form.
Step 2: Click the 'Search' button in the top toolbar to locate the course containing the students whose information you want to edit.
Step 3: Once you have the list of students, click on the 'Edit' icon in the row of the student you want to edit.

When clicked, make the desired changes to the students information.

- If the student is funded by IRCC and over-enrollment is allowed, all three seat options will be available.
- If the student is not funded by IRCC, only the 'Non-IRCC Seat' option will be available.
- If the student is funded by IRCC and over-enrollment is not allowed, only the 'Non-IRCC Seat' and 'IRCC Seat' options will be available.

Step 4: Once done, click the 'Save' button to save your changes.

Previous Batch Tab
The 'Previous Batch' tab allows you to view students that were in the course the previous year. If there are no students from the previous year, the list will be empty.
Step 1: Navigate to the 'Previous Batch' tab and enter 'Update' mode using the toolbar.

Step 2: In the 'Previous Batch' list, a '+' symbol will appear on each row of a student. Clicking '+' will re-add the student to the current year's course.

Waitlist Tab
The 'Waitlist' tab allows you to view students that are waitlisted for the course's activity.
Adding Students From the Waitlist Tab:
Step 1: Navigate to the 'Waitlist' tab and enter 'Update' mode using the toolbar.

Step 2: In the 'Waitlist' list, a '+' symbol will appear on each row of a student. Clicking '+' will add the student to the current year's course.

Exited Students Tab
The 'Exited Students' tab allows you to view students that were removed from the course.
Step 1: Navigate to the 'Exited Students' tab and enter 'Update' mode using the toolbar.

Step 2: In the 'Exited Students' list, a '+' symbol will appear on each row of a student. Clicking '+' will re-add the student to the course.

You can you also print the student's certificate by clicking the 'Printer' icon in the 'Print Certificate' column. Note: This functionality is still being made.
Email Students Button: Clicking the 'Email Students' button allows you to send an email to all the students. To learn more, check out our article on: How to send emails from within CARMIS.
Export Enrolled Students Button: Clicking the 'Export Enrolled Students' button allows you to download an Excel sheet of all the enrolled students in your course.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: I have selected more students than my course can hold, what can I do to fix this?
A: If the number of students exceeds the course capacity, you will need to enable the 'Over Enrol' function for the course. Once enabled, you can update the student information and assign their seat type to 'IRCC Over-enrol'.