CARMIS allows administrators to control what options appear under "Refer To" and "Refer By" fields under various forms. To proceed, please make sure you have Administrative rights in CARMIS.
Configuring Options for "Refer To"
Step 1: Navigate to the Admin > Masters > Client Profile / Global > Refer To (606) form.
Step 2: (Optional) You can click List to view the current list of "Refer To" options. You may find that some are active, and some are inactive. Inactive options will not be selectable in dropdowns.
Step 3: Click "Add" to begin adding a "Refer To" option.
Step 4: Proceed to fill out the form.
- Referring Scope: This can be internal (within your agency) or external (outside your agency). The other fields on the form will change depending on this selection.
- Referral Name: The text that will appear for the "Refer To" option.
- Map to iCare: Affects how this type of referral will affect any related iCare Bulk Upload record (if applicable).
- Referral Program/Activity: (Internal only) A program must be specified for an internal referral, and an activity can optionally be specified.
- Send Referral To: (Internal only) A member of your agency can be assigned to receive emails by entering their email into this field. They will then receive an email anytime a referral is made with this option selected.
Step 5: To save your changes, click Save.
Configuring Options for "Refer By" (referrals from other agencies)
Step 1: Navigate to the Admin > Masters > Client Profile / Global > Refer By (601) form.
Step 2: (Optional) You can click List to view the current list of "Refer By" options. You may find that some are active and some are inactive. Inactive options will not be selectable in dropdowns.
Step 3: Click "Add" to begin adding a "Refer By" option.
Step 4: Proceed to fill out the form.
- Name: The text that will appear for the "Refer By" option.
- Map to iCare: Affects how this type of referral will affect any related iCare Bulk Upload record (if applicable).
Step 5: To save your changes, click Save.