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  4. How to add new Facility Services activities in CARMIS

How to add new Facility Services activities in CARMIS

CARMIS allows you to add new activities to the Facility Service Module. Please make sure you have Administrative rights and that your agency has the Room Manager module activated in CARMIS.  


Step 1: Navigate to the "Admin" section in the CARMIS Menu. Within the Admin section, locate and select "Agency Configurations."


Step 2: Once in the Agency Configurations menu, find and click on the option labelled "Agency Activities (156)."


Step 3: Now the Agency Activities form will appear.


 click "Add" on the Toolbar to create a new activity.


Step 4: Proceed to fill out the form's fields. Focus on the following ones:

  1. Activity Name: Enter the desired name for the activity. (e.g. Pests Control, Smoke alarm Checks, etc. )
  2. Program: Select from the dropdown the program which has the housing model enabled. (e.g. Housing or Tenancy)
  3. Applicable For: Set this field to "Group Events", just check the box in front of the name.
Step 5: After making the necessary selections, find and click the "Save" button to save the new activity configuration.
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