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  4. How to download and install Microsoft Teams on your computer

How to download and install Microsoft Teams on your computer

This guide will help you get into contact with CARMIS Support. Contacting support via Microsoft Teams requires that you have a workplace Microsoft account. If you prefer email, you can also contact us at support@nsdtech.com.
  • You will need a Microsoft work account to use Microsoft Teams
Step 1: Download and/or log in to Microsoft Teams. You may skip to Step 2 if you are already logged in to Microsoft Teams.
    If you do not have a Windows computer but you still want to use Teams:
      If you are on a Windows computer and want to download Microsoft Teams:
      1. Click here to visit the Teams download page.
      2. You will see a similar page to the one shown below. If you do not see this, you may need to scroll down.
      3. Select the download option under "Teams for work or school". Once the download begins, you should see an Open File message appear at the top right or bottom left of your browser. You can click this to start Microsoft Teams.
      4. Teams will launch. Sign in using your Microsoft work account.

      Step 2: Start a chat with CARMIS Support

      1. Start by clicking the "Chat" button on the left.
      1. A chat panel will appear. Click on the pencil icon to start a new message.
      1. A New Chat popup will appear:
        1. Enter support@nsdtech.com in the "To" field at the top.
        2. Click "Search support@nsdtech.com externally".
        3. Support@nsdtech will appear as an option. Click on this option.
        4. Type a message (e.g. "Hello!") in the message box at the bottom.
        5. Press Enter once you're ready to send your message.
      1. If support responds, then your message was sent! From here it will be possible to send messages or schedule audio/video calls with support.

      Please note that these steps are for computers that are operating under Windows. If you are using a computer running on MacOS, please refer to our guide on using Teams on your web browser.
      With your web browser, go to https://www.microsoft.com/en-ca/microsoft-365/microsoft-teams/download-app.
      Here’s what the landing page you’ll get.

      Scroll down until you get to the following part of the page. Click on “Download Teams”
      Your download will then start, when its complete, click on “Open File”.
      You should see the following loading window on your computer's desktop
      You will then be prompted to sign in using your organization's account. Log in and you can start using desktop version of Microsoft Teams!
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