Using Mark Attendance will allow you to mark attendance for students in a course.
Marking Attendance
Step 1: Using the top navigation menu, navigate to Language > Mark Attendance (LINC) (855) form.

This will open the Mark Attendance form shown below.

Step 2: Click on the 'Search' button in the top toolbar.

Step 3: Click on the '?' button in the 'Course ID' field and select a course containing registered students you would like to mark.

Step 4: After selecting a course, the Mark Attendance window will appear as shown below.

You can view various session dates by using the 'Session Range' field.

Selecting the 'Custom' option allows you to choose specific dates that you desire.

Marking Students As Present
Step 1: To Mark a student as 'Present', navigate to the students row, and under the desired column date, click on the 'P' button. When you select the 'P' button, its box will become green, indicating that you have marked the student as 'Present' for that date.

Marking Students As Absent
Step 1: To Mark a student as 'Absent', navigate to the students row and under the desired column date, click on the 'A' button. When you select the 'A' button, its box will become red, indicating that you have marked the student as 'Absent' for that date.

You can also submit a reason for the students absence. To add the reason, click on the dropdown button that appears when selecting 'A' and choose your reason.

Step 5: Once you have entered the attendance, click on the 'Save Attendance' button to save attendance.

Print Attendance Matrix: Clicking the 'Print Attendance Matrix' will export an Excel file containing the attendance.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: I am not able to use the Scan QR Code button?
A: The Scan QR Code button functionality is coming soon!
Q: I am not able to mark attendance for a exited student?
A: If a student is exited from the course, then the attendance for any remaining sessions becomes locked.